Ethernet over Copper (EoC) - 1 to 20 Mbps Business Ethernet Service Providers
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Welcome to Ethernet over Copper

Thank you for visiting We strive to bring you valuable information and services related to business Ethernet in the range of 1 Mbps to 1,000 Mbps

What is Ethernet over Copper?
Ethernet over Copper originally described a family of WAN networking services that also fall into the category of Metro Ethernet services. What set Ethernet over Copper, or EoC, apart is that these services are provisioned over twisted pair copper telco wiring. This is the same wiring that is used to bring in T1 lines and multi-line telephone services. Nearly every business is already wired with a multi-line binder cable, which dramatically reduces the cost, time and effort to establish Ethernet over Copper service. The term "Ethernet" means that EoC uses the same popular Ethernet protocol that runs on nearly every business network now.

Coaxial Cable Copper Broadband Offers Higher Speeds
EoC is easy and inexpensive to install, thanks to the use of existing copper pair telco wiring. However, speed is generally limited to 1 to 20 Mbps, as bandwidth falls off greatly with distance from the central office. Another copper-based service, cable broadband, has advanced greatly in recent years with bandwidths over 100 Mbps using DOCSIS 3.0 modems and even 1 Gbps using the newer DOCSIS 3.1 modems. At these speeds, cable rivals fiber optic services at a much lower cost. Cable does tend to be a asymmetrical shared bandwidth service to support these lower prices as opposed to the traditional symmetrical dedicated bandwidth of legacy telco services.

Commercial Services For Your Business
All of the services we offer are intended for use by businesses large enough to have their own business addresses. We are fortunate to be affiliated with Telarus, Inc. as our bandwidth broker for professional grade line services including Cloud Computing, T1, Ethernet over Copper and Fiber, MPLS networks and PBX telephone trunking. The competitive service providers they represent also offer colocation hosting and a variety of cloud computing services. You'll find an quick inquiry form on this page. We encourage you to request competitive quotes and advice for your business needs. The friendly Telarus consultants will respond quickly and help you chose the best options for your particular applications.

Informational Articles
We invite you to peruse the collection of informational articles we've written as tutorials or helpful ideas on how Ethernet and related services can benefit your business. If you like any of them well enough to share with friends and colleagues, please feel free to post links to any of our pages on social networking sites but don't copy the full text and put it anywhere else on the Web. It just diminishes readership to this site. On the other hand, we will generally grant permission for print media reproduction with proper attribution. Contact us. If you happen to write an industry newsletter or blog and simply want to quote short passages with a link back to the original article, you can certainly do that... with our thanks.

You may also be interested in reading and subscribing to our related blog, Telexplainer. It's a more comprehensive collection of news and information articles related to networking technology and services.

Privacy Policy
We respect your privacy. Any information you can to provide on our GeoQuote inquiry form will only be used to assist you with your bandwidth , cloud or other needs. Your personal information will not be shared with marketing companies or otherwise misused.

How to Contact Us
Do you have a question regarding something you found on this website or would like to offer a comment or suggestion? Your messages are always welcome. Please send them to EtherContact (at)

Get Better Deals on Business Bandwidth
Get the best pricing on business grade twisted pair Ethernet over Copper, DOCSIS 3.1 Gigabit and 3.0 Cable Broadband Internet, plus fiber optic connectivity, cloud hosting and managed network services. Find out in seconds what network services and pricing are available now for your commercial (not residential) building anywhere in the U.S. Simply use this handy form...


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Our extensive cloud and telecom line services are provided by Telarus, Inc., a premier cloud broker and master agency. Please provide accurate phone & email contact information or call toll free for support anytime at 1-888-848-8749. All information you provide will be used only to support your inquiry and will not be shared.


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Please contact us by writing to EtherContact (at)
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